Throughout the years “Dressage Horses Voskens b.v.” has gained a prominent position in the trade of top quality dressage-horses
to co-operate with the top of the Dutch Equestrian sports.
You’ve come to the right place if you want to bring your horse into training and if you want it to be brought out at competitions by us.
We will be happy to take your horse from Dutch Training Level , up until Higher level , depending of course on which level the horse is trained.
The presentation of your horse in competitions like IBOP/PAVO/SUBLI, but also training and improving of horses where with you experience difficulties in riding is possible. Further more we can accompany and mediate in buying a suitable horse or selling your horse.
During the instruction in training, the central points are: working with the horse in a kind manner , relaxation, straightening and a good posture and seat of the rider.
From relaxation she works to tightening the horse in a friendly way , on each level up to a higher level.